Things To Know Before Localizing Your Content
Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about the Things To Know Before Localizing Your Content. In a very competitive market, the one that we have today, being able to reach more clients should be one of your marketing priorities. Localizing your content will help your business to build relationships with customers on a different level as your content will feel more personal to them. Content localization will build brand loyalty and enhance customer journeys in businesses.
Things To Know Before Localizing Your Content
What Is Content Localization?
First, let us discuss what exactly is content localization and why it is important in today’s market.
Localization is the process of adapting your content to the language and culture of your target market. This process gives utmost importance to the audience’s culture as it goes beyond just language translation.
It takes into account cultural sensitivities making the content feel more native to the clients. This process aims to tailor one’s content to the local customs, traditions, values, and even beliefs of a specific location. In overview, a good translation is just one part of a successful localization procedure.
Content Localization Key Considerations
Here are some key considerations to make a content localization strategy for your software, website, and apps:
Research Your Target Market
Content localization can prove to be expensive since it applies to the entire website or app. Therefore, you need to choose your target markets tactfully.
Conduct research to find out the strongest markets for your products. By ‘strongest markets’ we mean locations where you’ve established a large audience – penetrating those will be much easier.
Moreover, your research can reveal some odd markets trying to engage with your content. And localizing content for those markets may open doors of success for you.
Choosing The Languages
Begin your localization efforts with a focus on just a couple of languages. This will give you a solid platform to translate the content into other languages.
Which language should you choose? Again, you have to focus on the languages related to the markets that show the highest growth potential. This will help you:
- Evaluate your growth potential in global markets
- Learn how customers in different regions interact with your localized content
- Refine your workflow
Choosing The Right Localization Service
Besides choosing languages for your content, find out the best content localization services to come up with the right strategy. The local content must resonate with your target audience in every way. Here are the must-haves:
- The element of attraction
- Details in terms of text or design, according to the taste of the local audience
- No elements that the local audience finds offensive or confusing
Know Where To Start
To make the most of your efforts, pick the content with the highest engagement. To do this, you need to evaluate the existing content. Find out which app, content type, or product is gaining the highest engagement.
Localizing your top-performing content will help you analyze it further. You’ll find out:
- How well has the content performed after being localized?
- If it failed to meet your expectations, what needs to be done to optimize it?
Optimizing Your Localized Content
In doing so, you may need international SEO insight and market-specific platforms like Google and Yahoo are best for this purpose. They can help you in finding the right keywords with respect to the local market you’re targeting.
With these basic considerations, you can create a successful content localization strategy.
Alignment With The Native Culture
The most valuable thing about localizing content is that it accommodates the elements of native people within it. Localized content can house local factors like regional festivals and joyful events.
While the translated content merely gives information to the people, localized content makes the readers identify themselves with it.
Another trouble with the translated content is that it ignores the cultural context. While translating “hey, how you’re doing?” seems normal for people in open societies like the US, it may not be perceived rightly in an introverted society like Japan. Tracking such texts isn’t an easy task. Hence, it is imperative to use localized content to nullify this complication.
As a result of this, an effective and stirring localized content will make yours a locally favored product.
Boosting E-Commerce Revenue With Content Localization
Did you know that in 2020, global e-commerce sales had exceeded $4.2 trillion? One of the ways traders are making great milestones with e-commerce is via content localization.
The beauty of content localization for e-commerce sales is that; you can attract customers from a wide geographic region. Anyone around the world can find your content. And many people might end up interested in what you have in store.
One incredible way to boost your e-commerce sales using content localization is through content localization for apps. A major part of localizing an app is by giving customers text alternatives for different languages. Besides, you also give alternative sounds, graphics, layouts, and other locale-specific resources.
With such alternatives, you can reach many customers from wide geographic locations. Hence, you can quickly enhance your e-commerce sales.
Furthermore, you can do more on other crucial business activities such as:
- Managing sales
- Handling organizational communications
- Training employees
- Planning for the future activities for your brand
Wrapping Up
We have seen how much value localized content can give your company. As we all know, rich content is the backbone of the sales or consumption of any product. While the translated content may present an accurate outlook of what a product is, only the localized content influences the mentality of the local populace to purchase and consume it. Hence, always choose localized content over merely translated content.
We wish you a bit of good luck in localizing your content.