Taking Care Of Your Wig – Removing Adhesive Residue
Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about Taking Care Of Your Wig – Removing Adhesive Residue. Seasoned wig wearers often use an adhesive like hair glue for extra security, especially if they are wearing an unice lace front wig. Wig adhesive is always a good idea because you know you are free to move around as you like, and your wig won’t slip to the side or fall off. The adhesive keeps your wig in place perfectly so that you can do the things you do!
How long the adhesive lasts depends on the bonding strength that you have chosen, some adhesives can last for almost a month. But you need to remember that if you are wearing your wig every day, your scalp and the wig cap needs to breathe, so consider these factors before you use an adhesive that is so strong you can’t remove the wig cap from your scalp or hair.
Climate affects the adhesive too as heat and humidity in the air can affect the bonding of the adhesive. Humid climates create moisture in the air which can affect the reliability of the adhesive and cause the bond to loosen. In the same way, the heat from the sun’s rays can harden the adhesive making it almost impossible to remove because it is stuck to your scalp or your natural hair.
If you have managed to remove your wig that has been glued to your wig and scalp or hair by tugging and hard brushing the chances are that it has been a painful experience and has caused damage to your scalp and hair.
As professionals in the industry, we have gotten some tips from the top hairstylists to give you the best advice on removing glue from your wig and scalp.
Here is your professional guide to removing glue from your wig:
Warm Water –
As we have always suggested the more natural the treatment and the gentler the better for your wig and scalp. Lukewarm water is the most effective way to loosen the bonds of the adhesive without causing damage.
- In a container mix a small amount of olive oil, baking soda, and warm water.
- Mix this thoroughly.
- While the mixture is warm put it into a spritz bottle.
- Now use a towel that you have wet with warm water to cover the area with the glue residue. This will begin to soften the adhesive.
- Spray this mixture around the edges of your wig cap.
- Allow it to process for a minute, but don’t let the mixture get cold.
- Gently pull your wig from your scalp.
- If this warm water mixture has worked this is the most natural way in which to remove the bonding adhesive.
Always try this method before you opt for chemicals.
Chemical Products –
There are numerous chemical products on the market that will remove adhesive residue. Where possible buy a product specifically made for hair wigs as they will cause the least damage. These products usually contain isopropyl alcohol, this chemical is a solvent and is used in anti-freeze, so you can imagine that it should be your last resort.
- Apply the chemical onto the edge of your head using a hair sponge or paintbrush.
- Concentrate on the area in which you believe the adhesive bond is the strongest.
- Allow the chemical to process for at least 3 minutes, unless it is burning your head. If you are feeling a burning or uncomfortable sensation, immediately take a towel, wet it with warm water, and remove the chemical.
- Now gently remove your wig cap from your head.
- Once that is done, rinse your scalp or hair with warm water.
- Take a fine-tooth comb and gently comb the hair on your wig. This is to remove any adhesive residue that has built up on the hair. Comb through the hair until you are satisfied that all the adhesive has been removed.
- Use a warm washcloth to wipe over the hair, rinse the cloth and then wipe the inside of the cap.
- Now you can wash your wig with the usual products you have, taking care to use lukewarm water.
- If there is still residue on the inside of your cap, soak it in a mixture of lukewarm water and baking soda to loosen any leftover residue.
Once your wig and cap are taken care of, turn your attention to your scalp or natural hair. Using a gentle shampoo and warm water wash off any adhesive residue.
Scraping –
If you have removed your wig and there is an adhesive residue left on the cap that has not been removed with lukewarm water this method can be used. This method involves using a hand-help scraper that you use on the inside of the wig cap.
- Turn the wig inside out, exposing the inner side of the wig cap.
- Take your hand-held scraper and moving from the forehead area to the back gently scrape off the residue.
- As you scrape the wig make sure it is securely paced on a table with a towel or plastic wrap beneath it to catch the residue as it comes off.
- If you have completed this process once, hopefully, all the residue has come off, if that is not the case, gently scrape the inside again.
- Now rinse your wig with lukewarm water.
- Finally, after you have rinsed your wig with warm water, apply shampoo, rinse,
and condition.
- It is best to let your wig air dry and not to heat style it as your wig has been through enough rubbing and tugging.
Maintenance Of Your Wig –
As you know treating your wig with care because it is an investment is important. But what is just as important is making the hair on your wig look thick and luscious at all times. This means ensuring that the lifespan of your wig is as long as possible. To do this you need to have a routine of when you wash, dry, and style your wig. You also have to ensure you use chemical-free products wherever possible.
Regular care means:
- Great-looking hair all the time
- Longer lasting cap and hair
- Bacteria-free cap
- Adhesive residue-free hair and cap
- Shiny and healthy hair
Final Thoughts…
We highly recommend new wig wearers to try our v-part wigs for human hair, it is easier to wear and take off. Wash your hair only after every 8 to 10 times of wearing it, this will prevent hair from falling out and using its luster. Be gentle with your wig, give it the care and attention it needs, and you will have a longer-lasting healthier-looking wig that will make the beautiful, self-confident you, shine through!