Top 10 Birds With Amazing Tails In The World
Top 10 Rare Exotic Birds With Long Tail Feathers.
Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about the Top 10 Birds With Amazing Tails In The World. So friends here is the list of Top 10 Birds With Amazing Tail In The World.
10.Red-tailed Hawk.
In the list of the Top 10 Birds With Amazing Tails In The World Red-tailed Hawk is at no 10. This is the 10th Birds With Amazing Tails In The World and on our list. This is also known as is a bird of prey.
The scientific name of this bird is Buteo jamaicensis. The total mass weight of this bird can reach up to 1.1 kilograms and the length of this bird can reach up to 45 to 65 cm.
The male bird is longer than the female bird. This bird found in North America. This is a very beautiful attractive and amazing tails bird in the world.
9.Motmot Tails.
In the list of the Top 10 Birds With Amazing Tails In The World Motmot is at no 9. This is the 9th Birds With Amazing Tails In The World and on our list. This is a family of birds in the near passerine order Coraciiformes.
The scientific name of this bird is Momotidae. This bird found in South and Central America. This is a beautiful attractive and amazing tails bird in the world.
8.Scissor-tailed Flycatcher.
In the list of the Top 10 Birds With Amazing Tails In The World, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher is at no 8. This is the 8th Birds With Amazing Tails In The World and on our list. This is also known as the Texas bird-of-paradise.
The scientific name of this bird is Tyrannous forficatus. This bird has grey head and back, white throat and belly, dark brown wings with white edges and salmon-pink flanks, lateral sides of the body, and bottom parts of wings.
This bird can be found in North and Central America. Flycatcher is a very beautiful attractive and amazing tail bird in the world.
7.Long-tailed Tit.
In the list of the Top 10 Birds With Amazing Tails In The World, Long-tailed Tit is at no 7. This is the 7th Birds With Amazing Tail In The World and on our list. The scientific name of this bird is Aegithalos caudatus. This bird can be found in Europe and Asia.
The total length of this bird is 13 to 15 cm and the length of its tail is 8 cm long. The tail is longer than its body. This is a very beautiful attractive and amazing tail bird in the world.
6.Golden Pheasant.
In the list of the Top 10 Birds With Amazing Tails In The World Golden Pheasant is at no 6. This is the 6th Birds With Amazing Tail In The World and on our list. This is also known as Chinese pheasant.
The scientific name of this bird is Chrysolophus pictus. This is a game bird of the order Galliformes and the family Phasianidae.
The length of a male bird can reach up 90 to 100 cm and the length of a female bird can reach up to 60 to 80 cm. The people of China think that this bird is a sign of golden pleasant good luck best fate and prosperity.
These birds can be found in many colors like golden, bright red, green-yellow, and a beautiful brown colored tail.
5.Long-tailed Widowbird.
In the list of the Top 10 Birds With Amazing Tails In The World, Long-tailed Widowbird is at no 5. This is the 5th Birds With Amazing Tails In The World and on our list. This is also known as the “Sakabula which is a species of bird in the family Ploceidae.
The scientific name of this bird is Euplectes progne. The tail of this bird can reach up to 20 inches. This is a very beautiful attractive and amazing tail bird in the world.
4.Superb Lyrebird.
In the list of the Top 10 Birds With Amazing Tails In The World, Superb Lyrebird is at no 4. This is the 4th Birds With Amazing Tail In The World and on our list. This is also known as is an Australian songbird.
This is one of the world’s largest songbirds. The scientific name of this bird is Menura novaehollandiae. This bird found in Australia.
The tail of this bird can reach up to 28 inches. This is a very beautiful and attractive bird in the world.
3.Indian Peafowl.
In the list of the Top 10 Birds With Amazing Tails In The World, Indian Peafowl is at no 3. This is the 3rd Birds With Amazing Tail In The World and on our list. This a large and brightly colored bird, is a species of peafowl.
This bird found in South Asia. The scientific name of this bird is Pavo cristatus. Indian Peafowl lifespan of this bird is 10 to 25 years. The weight of this bird can reach up to 4 to 6 kilograms.
The length of a male bird can reach up to 100 to 120 cm and the length of a female bird can reach up to 95 cm. This bird has a long colorful tail. This is a very beautiful and attractive bird in the world.
2.Wilson’s Bird of Paradise.
In the list of the Top 10 Birds With Amazing Tails In The World Wilson’s Bird of Paradise is at no 2. This is the 2nd Birds With Amazing Tail In The World and on our list. This bird is a species of passerine bird of the family Paradisaeidae.
The scientific name of this bird is the Cicinnurus republic. This is a very colorful bird. This bird found in the rain-forests of Papua islands of Waigeo and Batanta.
Wilson’s Bird has the bluish head with beautiful black patterns, a turquoise crown, black upper wings, yellow mantle, and blue feet. This is very beautiful attractive and have an amazing tail.
1.Ribbon-tailed Astrapia.
In the list of the Top 10 Birds With Amazing Tails In The World Ribbon-tailed is at no 1. This is the Top Birds With Amazing Tail In The World and on our list. This is also known as Shaw Mayer’s astrapia which is a species of bird-of-paradise.
This bird found in the western part of the central highlands of Papua New Guinea. The scientific name of this bird is Astrapia mayeri.
This bird is a medium-sized, up to 32 cm long. The tails of this bird can reach up to 1 foot. This is a very beautiful and amazing tails bird in the world. These birds found in the color of olive green and bronze.