Top 10 Oldest Animal Species In The World
Top 10 Oldest Animal Species In The World.
Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about the Top 10 Oldest Animals Species In The World. So friends here is the list of the Top 10 Oldest Animal Species In The World.
10.Martialis Heureka.
In the list of the Top 10 Oldest Animal Species In The World, Martialis Heureka is at no 10. This is the 10th Oldest Animal Species In The World and also on our list. This is the species of ant that belongs to the Martialinae family.
This animal discovered from the Amazon rainforest in 2000 near Manaus Brazil. The behavior of this species is different from other ant species.
The length of this species can reach up to 3 millimeters. This animal evolved on earth an estimated 120 million years ago.
9.Frilled Shark.
In the list of the Top 10 Oldest Animal Species In The World, Frilled Shark is at no 9. This is the 9th Oldest Animal Species In The World and also on our list. This is the species of shark which belongs to the Chlamydoselachidae family.
The scientific name of this species is Chlamydoselachus anguineus which can be found in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This species appeared on the earth estimated 150 million years ago.
8.Horseshoe Shrimp.
In the list of the Top 10 Oldest Animal Species In The World, Horseshoe Shrimp is at no 8.This is the 8th Oldest Animal Species In The World and also on our list. This is the class of subphylum Crustacea.
The scientific name of this animal is Cephalocarida which was discovered in 1955. This animal evolved on earth an estimated 200 million years ago.
The total length of this species can reach up to 2 to 4 millimeters. This is one of the oldest animals in the world.
In the list of the Top 10 Oldest Animals Species In The World Sturgeon is at no 7. This is the 7th Oldest Animal Species In The World and also on our list. This is the species of fish that belongs to Acipenseridae.
This fish was caught in 1994 on the Kettle River which was 70 inches in measured and the weight was 94 pounds 4 ounces.
The total length of this species can reach up to 2 to 4 millimeter. This animal evolved on earth an estimated 200 million years ago. This is one of the oldest animals in the world.
In the list of the Top 10 Oldest Animals Species In The World Coelacanth is at no 6. This is the 6th Oldest Animal Species In The World and also on our list. This is the species of Latimeria. Coelacanth found in the west Indian ocean near Comoro Island of Africa and Indonesia.
The scientific name of this fish is Coelacanthiformes. The total weight of this fish can reach up to 90 kilograms and the length is 6.5 feet.
This animal evolved on earth estimated 360 million years ago. This is one of the oldest animals in the world.
5.Horseshoe Crab.
In the list of the Top 10 Oldest Animals Species In The World, Horseshoe Crab is at no 5. This is the 5th Oldest Animal Species In The World and also on our list. They are marine arthropods which belong to the Limulidae family.
Mostly they live in the shallow ocean around the world. The scientific name of this animal is Limulidae. This animal evolved on earth estimated 445 million years ago. This is one of the oldest animals in the world.
In the list of the Top 10 Oldest Animals Species In The World, Nautilus is at no 4.This is the 4th Oldest Animal Species In The World and also on our list. This is the pelagic marine mollusk that belongs to the Nautilidae family.
They can be found in Fiji, Andaman, and a great barrier reef. They live 2200 feet deep under the ocean. This animal evolved on earth estimated 500 million years ago. This is one of the oldest animals in the world.
3.Jelly Fish.
In the list of the Top 10 Oldest Animals Species On Earth In The World, Jelly Fish is at no 3. This is the 3rd Oldest Animal Species On Earth In The World and also on our list. They are free-swimming aquatic animals that have a soft body.
The scientific name of this fish is Medusozoa. These fish look like umbrella shape which can be found in every ocean of the world.
This fish evolved on earth estimated 550 million years ago. This is one of the oldest animals in the world.
In the list of the Top 10 Oldest Animals Species In The World Sponge is at no 2. This is the 2nd Oldest Animal Species In The World and also on our list. They are the members of the phylum Porifera.
The scientific name of this animal is Porifera which can be found in 5000 different species in the world. They live in the depth of the oceans in colonies.
This animal evolved on earth an estimated 580 million years ago. This is one of the oldest animals in the world.
In the list of the Top 10 Oldest Animals Species In The World Cyanobacteria is at no 1. This is the Most Oldest Animal Species In The World and also on our list. This is a phylum of bacteria that obtain energy through photosynthesis.
Cyanophyta is the other name of this animal. They got their name from the color of the bacteria. This animal evolved on earth an estimated 2.8 billion years ago. This is one of the oldest animals in the world.