
Top 7 Most Expensive Coins In The World

Top 7 Most Expensive Coins In The World.

Hello friends how are you all today we are going to talk about the Top 7 Most Expensive Coins In The World?So friends here is the list of Top 7 Most Expensive Coins In The World.

7.1804 Silver Dollar Class I.

In the list of Top 7 Most Expensive Coins In The World 1804 Silver dollar, Class I is at no 7. This is the 7th Most Expensive Coins In The World and also on our list. This is a very beautiful and amazing coin.

This coin was made in 1804. Now a day only 15 coins existed in the world. This amazing coin sold for 3.8 Million dollars.

6.2007 C$1m Coin.

In the list of Top 7 Most Expensive Coin In The World 2007 C$1m coin is at no 6. This is the 6th Most Expensive Coins In The World and also on our list.

This is a very beautiful and amazing coin the weight of this coin is 100 kg and this coin is totally made of gold and its 99.99 percent pure gold. Therefore it’s so expensive. In an auction, this coin got the price of 4.1 Million dollars.

5.1343 Edward III Florin.

In the list of Top 7 Most Expensive Coin In The World 1343 Edward III florin is at no 5. This is the 5th Most Expensive Coins In The World and also on our list. This is a very beautiful and amazing and also a very rare coin.
The only three coins of 1343 Edward III florin are existing in the world, therefore, it’s so expensive that the price of this coin is 6.8 Million Dollars.

4.1787 Brasher Doubloon.

In the list of Top 7 Most Expensive Coin In The World 1787, Brasher Doubloon is at no 4.This is the 4th Most Expensive Coins In The World and also on our list. This amazing and beautiful coin was made by Ephraim Brasher in 1787 which is made of copper.

But this coin was rejected by the legislature state. Some of these coins are existing and the price of this coin is 7.4 Million Dollars.

3.1907 Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle.

In the list of Top 7 Most Expensive Coin In The World 1907 Saint-Gaudens double eagle is at no 3. This is the 3rd Most Expensive Coins In The World and also on our list. The beautiful design of Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle is the most famous in America all the time.

The name of the person who designs this coin is ‘Boston sculptor Augustus Saint Gaudens.’ The saint Gaudens design became one of the most admired Coin design.

Saint Gaudens died in 1907. The coin was in use between 1908 to 1933. America removes gold standard in 1933 that took a coin out of circulation.

Thousands of Saint Gaudens coins were removed from circulation and their quality goes down. The collector of old coins saves this in their collection. This coin is very costly because of its design. The price of this coin is 7.6 Million Dollars.

2.1933 Double eagle.

In the list of Top 7 Most Expensive Coin In The World 1933 Double eagle is at no 2. This is the 2nd Most Expensive Coin In The World and also on our list. The 1933 double eagle is a United States 20-dollar gold coin.
Although 445,500 specimens of this Saint-Gaudens double eagle were minted in 1933. This coin is made of gold and this coin was made by the Franklin D. Roosevelt barred.
The price of this coin is 7.6 Million dollars. This is one of the Most Expensive Coins In The World.

1.Flowing Hair Silver Dollar.

 In the list of Top 7 Most Expensive Coins In The World, Flowing Hair Silver Dollar is at no 1. This is the Most Expensive Coins In The World and also on our list.
This is a beautiful amazing rare and also one of the oldest coins in the world. This coin was made in 1794 which is made with 90 percent pure silver and 10 percent copper.
This is the most expensive coin in the world because the price of this coin is 10 Million Dollars. This coin was sold in 2013 for 10 Million Dollars.

Michel Jordan

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