
How To Make Detailed Revision Notes For Hindi Class 7

Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about How To Make Detailed Revision Notes For Hindi Class 7? All students must develop the habit of making notes starting at a young age. Making notes of the whole syllabus can be quite beneficial, even for class 7th students. After all, the syllabus is immense, and often leaves students utterly confused.

This eventually hinders the exam preparation and manifests in the results. For a language subject like Hindi, preparing notes might seem like a strenuous task to many. However, with the right approach and techniques at your disposal, you can effortlessly prepare notes that would help you significantly during your exam preparations.

Making detailed revision notes for Hindi class 7 requires a distinct approach than other subjects. And so, to make the task a tad bit easier for you, we have jotted down some easy steps in which you make detailed notes for class 7 Hindi.

How To Make Detailed Revision Notes For Hindi Class 7

Know The Syllabus

The first step that goes into making notes includes getting a thorough understanding of the entire syllabus. Class 7 Hindi course consists of three books – Vasant, Durva, and Mahabharat. Go through the contents part of all the books thoroughly so you know what you are supposed to cover, right at the very beginning.

Make Separate Notes For All Chapters

Since the Hindi course for class 7 is divided into three books, it is suggested that you maintain separate notebooks/registers for these books. This will prevent cluttering of contents and would give you clear and concise notes for each book.

Being Organized Is Key

The most important part of making notes for Hindi is being organized. Use a step-by-step approach to cover all the chapters. For example, if you are done with the first chapter of Vasant, make sure you do not skip the next chapter, and start with the succeeding one.

Skipping chapters will only cause more confusion at the time of revision. Also, in case you find something boring, leave a few pages, and come back when you are done with the rest of your course.

Approach Each Part Of Syllabus Differently

The syllabus for class 7 Hindi consists of both literature and grammar. Here are a few ways in which you can approach the two, and make detailed notes for each.


The literature part of class 7 Hindi consists of both prose and poems. When you are making notes for poems, note down the meaning of every paragraph/sentence based on your understanding or on what has been taught in the class. Follow it by writing a brief summary of the poem at the end of the page, which will help you during revision. You should also make a separate column for noting down the poetic devices used and other important points.

The Hindi class 7 books have several interesting stories, that are authored by some renowned figures in Hindi literature. While making notes for prose, start by reading the story thoroughly, more than once. Highlight the important sentences, words, and other important things while reading.

While making notes, come back to these highlighted topics, and note them down, with your own comprehension. Also, note down the important characters, and incidents from the stories as most of the questions will be around them.


Most students find Hindi grammar to be a bit tricky. However, if you are equipped with the right notes, it won’t seem so complicated. As such, make notes for all the grammar rules separately, and try and practice as many questions as you can to get the concepts right. When it comes to the writing part- letters, diary entry’s, essays, etc, use separate sheets to make formats. 

 Stick To Your Course Book

There’s a sea of reference material on the market, but make sure you only stick to your coursebook. Class 7 Hindi NCERT book covers anything and everything that can be asked in the exam and should be sufficient for preparation. Referring to different sources will only leave you more confused.

Do Not Copy Everything

Your notes are supposed to be a simplified version of what’s given in your textbooks. As such, make sure you do not copy each and every line from your books, as it will conclude to nothing. Making notes does not mean re-writing what’s given in your book. Your notes need to be crisp and clear, so you can learn and retain everything more efficiently.

The Power Of Vocabulary

While going through your textbooks, you will come across plenty of new words. Learning these words with their respective meaning will help in enhancing your vocabulary. As such, allot a separate space to vocabulary, and note down all the new words, with their meanings, synonymous, antonyms, and more for your understanding. After all, building good vocabulary is considered key for achieving proficiency in language subjects.

Be Creative

If your notes are boring, there’s a great chance that you won’t be opening them again. As such, it is also important for you to make your notes more interesting. This can be achieved by using visual aids like diagrams, illustrations for stories/poems, and more that will breathe life into your notes.

Additionally, you can use separate coloured pens for writing topics, sub-topics, and main content. Use sticky notes for jotting down important points, that you can take a glance at during revision.

Revise Your Notes

The final, and most key step of making notes for class 7 Hindi is revision. Go through what you have written at the end of every chapter/topic, to make sure that it all makes sense. Include or rectify anything that you see is missing or needs to be eliminated. Revising your notes side-by-side will help in making your notes more relevant. Spotting and revising problems at the right time will help you in avoiding any confusion at the time of your exams.

Hindi isn’t a very tough subject to learn and can be conquered with some effort, starting with making detailed revision notes. As such, take out your books, pens, and sheets, and get to note-making!

All the best!

Michel Jordan

Michel Jordan is the creator of Arena Pile, a dynamic platform that delivers engaging and informative content across a wide range of topics. From the latest celebrity buzz to in-depth discussions on dogs, cars, bikes, movies, news, lifestyle, and fashion, Michel ensures that Arena Pile remains a go-to source for fresh and exciting updates.With a passion for sharing knowledge and trends, Michel curates content that resonates with readers worldwide, offering insights, entertainment, and valuable information in an easy-to-digest format. Whether you're a pop culture enthusiast, a pet lover, or a gearhead, there's always something interesting to explore at Arena Pile!

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