Top 10 Heaviest Animals In The World
Top 10 Heaviest Animals In The World.
Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about the Top 10 Heaviest Animals In The World. So friends here is the list of Top 10 Heaviest Animal In The World.
10.Kodiak Bear.
In the list of Top 10 Heaviest Animals In The World, Kodiak Bear is at no 10. This is the 10th Heaviest Animals In The World and also on our list. This bear is also known as the Kodiak brown bear.
Which is only found in islands of the Kodiak Archipelago in southwest Alaska. This is a solitary animal. The scientific name of this animal is Ursus arctos middendorffi.
The height of this animal grows up to 3 meters when it standing on 2 legs and the weight of this animal grows up to 750 Kg.
In the list of Top 10 Heaviest Animals In The World Crocodile is at no 9. This is the 9th Heaviest Animals In The World and also on our list. This animal is the largest reptile in the world and they mostly found in tropical regions all around the world.
The scientific name of this animal is Crocodylinae. The lifespan of this animal is 70 to 100 years. The length of this animal grows up to 5 Meter and the weight of this animal grows up to 1000 kg.
This animal can be found in three different species. They have largemouth with sharp and powerful teeth. They also have powerful jaws which makes them more dangerous.
8.Asian Gaur.
In the list of Top 10 Heaviest Animals In The World, Asian Gaur is at no 8. This is the 8th Heaviest Animal In The World and also on our list. This animal is also known as Indian bison and they are only found in South Asia.
They have a strong head with strong horns and this animal is the largest species of cattle in the world. The length of this animal grows up to 3.3 Meter and the weight of this animal grows up to 1100 kg.
They are social animals and live in the groups in grasslands and forests.
In the list of Top 10 Heaviest Animals In The World Giraffe is at no 7. This is the 7th Heaviest Animal In The World and also on our list. The scientific name of this animal is Giraffa. They run very fast. The maximum speed of this animal is 50 Kilometer per hour.
This animal is mostly found in South Africa. The height of this animal grows up to 6 Meter and the weight of this animal grows up to 1200 kg.
In the list of Top 10 Heaviest Animals In The World Hippopotamus is at no 6. This is the 6th Heaviest Animal In The World and also on our list. They are very aggressive and powerful animals which is only found in sub-Saharan Africa.
The height of this animal is 1.5 Meter and the weight of this animal can grow up to 1800 kg and the length of this animal can grow up to 5 Meters.
The scientific name of this animal is Hippopotamus amphibius. They have a large mouth with large teeth.
The running speed of this animal is 30 Kilometer per hour. They are known as the most dangerous animals in Africa.
5.White Rhinoceros.
In the list of Top 10 Heaviest Animals In The World, White Rhinoceros is at no 5. This is the 5th Heaviest Animal In The World and also on our list. This animal is also known as square-lipped rhinoceros.
These animals found in 4 different species. The scientific name of this animal is Ceratotherium simum. The length of this animal grows up to 4 Meter and the weight of this animal grows up to 2300 kg.
They run very fast the running speed of this animal is 50 kilometer per hour. The height of this animal grows up to 1.8 Meter.
They are mostly found in different regions of Africa. This is a social animal and found in groups. The eyesight of this animal is very weak. They can live without water for five days.
4.Asian Elephant.
In the list of Top 10 Heaviest Animals In The World, Asian Elephant is at no 4. This is the 4th Heaviest Animal In The World and also on our list. This animal also known as the Asiatic elephant. The scientific name of this animal is Elephas maximus.
This animal only found in Southeast Asia, India, Nepal, Borneo. This is the 2nd largest species of elephant in the world. The height of this animal grows up to 2.7 Meter. The weight of this animal grows up to 5400 kg.
3.African Elephant.
In the list of Top 10 Heaviest Animals In The World, African Elephant is at no 3. This is the 3rd Heaviest Animal In The World and also on our list. The scientific name of this animal is Loxodonta.
This is the Heaviest land animal in the world. This animal is only found in Africa. The height of this animal grows up to 3.3 Meter and the weight of this animal grows up to 6000 kg.
They have large ears and 2 large teeth. They are social animals that live in groups. The lifespan of this animal is 60 to 70 years.
2.Whale Shark.
In the list of Top 10 Heaviest Animals In The World, Whale Shark is at no 2. This is the 2nd Heaviest Animal In The World and also on our list. The scientific name of this shark is Rhincodon typus. The normal length of this shark is 30 to 32 feet.
But the largest whale shark on record is 41.5 feet in length which caught up in Pakistan. The weight of this shark is more than 28 tons. But the normal weight of this shark is 19,000 kg.
1.Blue Whale.
In the list of Top 10 Heaviest Animals In The World, Blue Whale is at no 1. This is the Most Heaviest Animal In The World and also on our list. This is a marine mammal which is belonging to the baleen whales. The scientific name of this animal is Balaenoptera musculus.
The length of this whale grows up to 30 meters and the weight of this whale grows up to 140,000.
This is the heaviest animal in the world. This whale found in groups and also alone. The lifespan of this whale is 80 to 110 years.