
Top 10 Amazing Animals Found Only In Africa

Top 10 Most Amazing African Animals.

Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about the Top 10 Most Amazing African Animals. So friends here is the list of Top 10 Most Amazing African Animal.

10.Greater Kudu.

In the list of Top 10 Most Amazing African Animals, Greater Kudu is at no 10. This is the 10th Most Amazing African Animals and also on our list. This is an amazing animal which only found in Eastern and Southern Africa Savannah woodlands and rocky hillsides.

This animal is one of the longest-horned animals in the world. The length of Their horns reaches up to 1 to 2 meters. The body length of this animal is between 1.8 to 2.5 meters.

The weight of this animal reaches up to up to 270 kg. The lifespan of this animal is 20 years.


In the list of Top 10 Most Amazing African Animals Ostrich is at no 9. This is the 9th Most Amazing African Animals and also on our list. Ostriches are beautiful and the largest birds in the world.

The size of an adult ostrich 6 ft in height. They are heavyweight birds near 150 kg. They have the reward of the fastest running birds on earth and the biggest egg also.

These are flightless birds but run very fast at a speed of 70 km per hour. They commonly found in Africa. They like to eat seeds, shrubs, fruits, flowers, and small insects.

Ostriches can hold up to 1.3 kilograms of pebbles. They live without water for several days. The strong long legs help them for the attack.

They live in colonies or groups contains 10 to 50 birds. Inbreeding season a female ostrich lay 60 eggs in a year.


In the list of Top 10 Most Amazing African Animals Okapi is at no 8. This is the 8th Most Amazing African Animal and also on our list. This animal is relative of the giraffe.

They only found in the rain-forests of the Republic of Congo in central Africa. These animals have striped markings on their back legs because of these markings they look like a zebra.

Their size reaches up to 8 feet in length and their weight can reach up to 310 kg. The color of these animals is reddish-brown.


In the list of Top 10 Most Amazing African Animals Galago is at no 7. This is the 7th Most Amazing African Animal and also on our list. This is a very cute animal and this animal is also known as bushbabies.

The length of this animal is 6 to 8 inches and the weight of this animal reaches up to 10 oz.  This animal only found in bushlands and woodlands of East Africa.

These animals have very large ears and the hearing sense of these animals is very strong. They have very big eyes which provides them excellent night vision.

The color of these animals is brown and grey. These animals are very good jumpers.


In the list of Top 10 Most Amazing African Animals Shoebill is at no 6. This is the 6th Most Amazing African Animal and also on our list. This bird is also known as whalehead or shoe-billed stork.

Shoebill is one of the most strange looking birds in the world. This animal got its name after its enormous shoe-like beak. The beak of this bird grows up to 9 inches in length.

This amazing bird only found in the swamps and marshes of Eastern Africa. The length of this bird reaches up to 4 feet and weight can reach up to 6 kg. The color of this bird is bluish-grey.

5.Mantled Guereza.

In the list of Top 10 Most Amazing African Animals, Mantled Guereza is at no 5. This is the 5th Most Amazing African Animal and also on our list. This Monkey is one of the most attractive African monkeys.

That Monkey is also known as guereza or black and white colobus. Because they have striking glossy, black and white fur.

These monkeys only found in the evergreen forests of West-central and East Africa.

The body length of this animal is  21 to 28 inches and the weight of this animal reaches up to 14 kg. This is one of the most Amazing African Animals.

4.Grey Crowned Crane.

In the list of Top 10 Most Amazing African Animals, Grey Crowned Crane is at no 4. This is the 4th Most Amazing African Animal and also on our list.

This is a very beautiful and amazing bird which only found in Savannah, rivers, and marshes of Eastern and Southern Africa.

The height of this bird reaches up to 1 meter and the weight of this bird reaches up to 4 kg. This bird is very beautiful and colorful. This is one of the most Amazing African Animals.


In the list of Top 10 Most Amazing African Animals Wildebeest is at no 3. This is the 3rd Most Amazing African Animal and also on our list. This animal has belonged to the family of antelopes.

There are two types of Wildebeest in the world black wildebeest and blue wildebeest. Both species of wildebeests are only found in Africa.

The length of this animal reaches up to 8 feet in length and the weight of this animal reaches up to 270 kg. This animal is also known as gnus.

These animals are run very fast the speed of this animal is 80 km per hour. This is one of the most Amazing African Animals.   


In the list of Top 10 Most Amazing African Animals Mandrill is at no 2. This is the 2nd Most Amazing African Animal and also on our list. This is the largest species of monkeys in the world.

The body length of this animal is 25 to 34 inches and the weight of this animal is can reach up to 35 kg. This animal only found in the subtropical forests of Western-Central Africa.

These are the most colorful monkeys in the world. The male monkeys are larger and colorful than the females. This is one of the most Amazing African Animals.


In the list of Top 10 Most Amazing African Animals Lemur is at no 1. This is the Most Amazing African Animal and also on our list. Lemur is an amazing animal. This animal only found on the island of Madagascar on the East coast of Southern Africa.

These animals found in 30 different species. The Indri is the largest living lemur species in the world. The weight of this animal reaches up to 10 kg.

These animals are social animals and live in groups. The lifespan of this animal is 16 to 19 years. This is one of the amazing African animals in the world.

Michel Jordan

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